Understanding Ad Mediation Platforms
Understanding Ad Mediation Platforms

Understanding Ad Mediation Platforms

An Introduction into Ad Mediation Plaforms

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About this course

Hello, welcome to our mini course Understanding Ad Mediation Platforms. In this course, we will learn about the basics of ad mediation platforms. This course is suitable for you – if you are looking to learn more about:

  • What is an ad mediation platform and how does it work?
  • What is the difference between waterfall vs header bidding?
  • What are the benefits of using ad mediation platforms?

About this course

Hello, welcome to our mini course Understanding Ad Mediation Platforms. In this course, we will learn about the basics of ad mediation platforms. This course is suitable for you – if you are looking to learn more about:

  • What is an ad mediation platform and how does it work?
  • What is the difference between waterfall vs header bidding?
  • What are the benefits of using ad mediation platforms?